Welcome To KMG Academy.
We are KMG Academy, an academy that specializes in providing training and educational solutions services to institutions and individuals. We provide training courses, seminars and conferences in various professional fields, while continuously developing and preparing the training programs based on the latest global methodologies and practices. All our programs are internationally and locally accredited.
Our Objectives
- Improve Work environment
- Invest in the Human Potential
- Deliver Knowledge in an effective way
Vision & Mission
KMG Academy aims to help individuals and organizations identify their full potential and abilities to achieve their professional and institutional development goals.
Training Hours
- KMG Academy provides a certificate of participation
- in training hours for those who attend the training courses effectively;
- the training attendance obligation is a condition for receiving the training certificate
- All our certificates are accredited locally and internationally.
- We provide several types of certificates varies between Completion of training program,
- Professional Diploma, Professional Master & Professional Doctorate according to the type of the training.
Training Hours
Any training program will not be less than 13 training hours
- Any Professional Diploma will not be less
- than 40 training hours
- Any Professional Master will not be less 130
- than training hours plus thesis
- Any Professional Doctorate will not be less
than 160 training hours plus thesis